
Astronomical Calendar for 2025

20 jan 2025
Astronomical Calendar for 2025
From meteor showers to eclipses, here’s everything you can see in the sky this year.

In 2025, Portugal’s sky promises rare and beautiful astronomical spectacles, with phenomena that will fascinate amateur astronomers and enthusiasts alike. From eclipses to meteor showers, the year’s astronomical calendar offers unmissable moments. The low light pollution combined with a range of observation equipment makes Geoscope – Fajão Astronomical Observatory the perfect place on Earth to gaze at the heavens.

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January: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn in the Sky

During January, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn are visible to the naked eye and share the sky at sunset. Jupiter and Mars are visible for most of the night. As they are to the west, Venus and Saturn are visible only during the early evening hours.

February 13: Supermoon

The full Moon will be at its closest point to Earth, appearing larger and brighter in the sky. This phenomenon will repeat on March 14, offering another chance for stunning observations.

March 14: Total Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon

In the early hours of March 14, the sky will turn reddish during a total lunar eclipse, also known as a blood moon. This phenomenon occurs when the Earth positions itself between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow that completely covers the lunar disk.

March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse

At the end of March, the Sun will transform into a thin crescent during a partial solar eclipse. This spectacle will be visible across North America, Europe, northern Asia, and northwest Africa. In Portugal, it will reach its peak mid-morning, with the maximum at 10:36 a.m.

April 22: Lyrid Meteor Shower

Active from April 14, the Lyrid meteor shower will peak on April 22, with around 18 meteors per hour visible in Portugal. These meteors are usually large, very bright, and leave luminous trails. In northern locations, the radiant will appear above the horizon after 10:30 p.m.

May 5–6: Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower

This celestial spectacle, caused by dust left by Halley’s Comet, can be enjoyed in areas with minimal light pollution.

June 17: Mars and Regulus

At the start of the night, Mars and the star Regulus from the Leo constellation form an unusual double star to the naked eye. With nearly identical brightness, the two celestial bodies display different colors: Regulus appears white, while Mars glows red.

July 30: Alpha Capricornids Meteor Shower

Active from July 3 to August 15, the Alpha Capricornids are famous for their fast, highly explosive meteors. However, only about five meteors per hour are typically visible.

July 30: Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower

On the same night, the Delta Aquarids will also peak, with about 20 meteors per hour. These originate from Comet 96P Machholz, which orbits the Sun every five years.

August 12: Venus and Jupiter Conjunction

In the early hours of August 12, two of the brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, align in a conjunction that promises to capture all eyes. This phenomenon will be visible to the east just before sunrise.

August 12–13: Perseid Meteor Shower

The Perseids, known for their abundant shooting stars, will peak between August 12 and 13. In 2025, the full Moon will slightly diminish visibility, but finding a spot away from moonlight, like under a tree's shadow, can enhance the experience.

September 7: Total Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon

On September 7, a total lunar eclipse will occur, painting the lunar surface red. The blood moon will be especially intense in the early hours of September 8.

October 8: Draconid Meteor Shower

The Draconids can produce around 20 meteors per hour, traveling at a speed of 20 km/s. They seem to radiate from the Draco constellation.

November 17–18: Leonid Meteor Shower

The Leonids are among the year’s most notable meteor showers, producing up to 20 meteors per hour at their peak. These meteors travel at 71 km/s and leave a long, blue-green trail.

December 13–14: Geminid Meteor Shower

Under ideal conditions, up to 150 meteors per hour will be visible. The Geminids are unique because they originate from an asteroid, not a comet.

With so many celestial events on the horizon, 2025 will be a privileged year to look up at the sky and marvel at the cosmos’ grandeur—a unique opportunity to rediscover the connection between Earth and the universe.

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