Terra de Gigantes Ultramarathon

Terra de Gigantes Ultramarathon

From the Highest Point in Mainland Portugal to the Atlantic Ocean: 303 km in 74 Hours. This is the challenge to be conquered in the Terra de Gigantes Ultramarathon, an initiative by Horizontes, taking place from January 16 to 19.

The race begins on January 16 at 11:00 AM at Torre, Serra da Estrela. From there, runners have 74 hours to reach Nazaré, where the awards ceremony will take place on January 19 at 2:30 PM.

The Aldeias do Xisto of Fajão (Pampilhosa da Serra) and Talasnal (Lousã) will host two support stations, providing food, beverages, comfort, and medical assistance. In Fajão, the busiest moments are expected during the night and early morning of January 16-17, near the old school. In Talasnal, most activity will occur on January 17 around Casa do Caminheiro.

Additionally, two more support stations will be set up in the Historical Village of Piódão and in Ribeira de Cima. The busiest times are expected on the night of January 16 and throughout January 17, respectively.

Runners' progress can be followed in real-time online. A link to the tracking platform will be shared in the days leading up to the event on the event's social media pages: Instagram e Facebook. You can find more information HERE

Organizers’ Suggestions

Runners will pass through day and night, over many hours, often spread out. For safety reasons, pet owners are advised to keep their animals, particularly dogs, secured to prevent them from being startled by the runners.

Coming outside to cheer, offering a glass of water, an orange, a piece of bread, or simply engaging in a brief conversation are greatly appreciated gestures.

50 Participants from 21 Nationalities

This year, the Terra de Gigantes Ultramarathon features double the participants and nationalities. Foreign participants make up 70% of the 50 registered runners, representing 21 different countries.



The Wild Start - Covão d'Ametade > Manteigas - GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
The Wild Start - Covão d'Ametade > Manteigas - GRZ on Foot: Stage 1
GRZ-Complete Multistage Route of Zêzere BTT
GRZ-Complete Multistage Route of Zêzere BTT
GRZ on Foot - The Wild Start [Sector 1]
GRZ on Foot - The Wild Start [Sector 1]
GRZ- Multistage Route of Zêzere (Walking)
GRZ- Multistage Route of Zêzere (Walking)
The Wild Start [GRZ - MTB Sector 1]
The Wild Start [GRZ - MTB Sector 1]
Cortes do Meio, Covilhã

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