Boats in the River and Walking Tours in Janeiro de Cima
  • concert
  • nature and leisure
  • families
  • free
  • active nature
  • traditional know how
  • water
  • communities

Boats in the River and Walking Tours in Janeiro de Cima

Janeiro de Cima
A weekend of immersion in the culture and landscape of Janeiro de Cima, with a skill competition with traditional boats and a walking tour along the Schist Walking Trail.

The village of Janeiro de Cima will once again organize the Boats in the River- skill competition with traditional boats, and the hike “Walking along the Schist Walking Trails of Janeiro de Cima”, on the 6th and 7th of August.

The traditional boat skill competition brings families and friends together again to the Zêzere river putting to the test the best boatmen and boatwomen. In past times, the boat was the only means of connection between the two banks of the Zêzere. It is one of the symbols of Janeiro de Cima and reveals the strong connection established between the population and the river. 

At the end of the day there is a concert by Jerónimo & Cro-Magnon, the mythical band from Fundão.

On August 7, the walk will allow a glimpse of the enchanting serpentine landscapes as the River Zêzere unwinds along with the rocky ridges classified as a World Heritage Network.. It ends at 1:00 pm with lunch at Parque Fluvial da Lavandeira, which requires prior registration at the village establishments or at the Parish Council.

6th August

  • 05.00pm - Boats in the River
  • 07.30pm - Concert Jerónimo & Cro-Magnon

7th August

  • 08.30am - Walking Trail
  • 01.00pm - Lunch

Plan your entire stay by clicking on the related links to the side. Other options available at


  • União das Freguesias de Janeiro de Cima e Bogas de Baixo
    Rua da Liberdade, nº 11
    6185-120 Janeiro de Cima, Fundão
    (+351) 932 813 025 - Pres. da Junta
    (+351) 272 745 014 - Junta Freguesia de Janeiro de Cima
    (+351) 272 746 060 - Junta de Freguesia de Bogas e Baixo


As Beiras
As Beiras
Pampilhosa da Serra
Associação de Solidariedade Social, Recreativa e Cultural de Janeiro de Cima
Associação de Solidariedade Social, Recreativa e Cultural de Janeiro de Cima
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Chapel of São Sebastião
Janeiro de Cima
Janeiro de Cima
Grupo Desportivo Tigres do Zêzere
Grupo Desportivo Tigres do Zêzere
Janeiro de Cima
União das Freguesias de Janeiro de Cima e Bogas de Baixo
União das Freguesias de Janeiro de Cima e Bogas de Baixo
Janeiro de Cima, Fundão
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Janeiro de Baixo
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